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Sometimes it Hits You

I think it was Bob Marley that said “One good thing about music is when it hits you, you feel no pain.”

It’s true, sometimes it works that way. But other times music can do just the opposite. Most likely if it does, then that’s what it was supposed to do.  “Blame Game” on Kanye’s new album hit me pretty good on my way home from work tonight. And it wasn’t just “oh, this song is kinda depressing so now I’m sad.” No. It was more along the lines of “Holy shit I feel rage right now.”

I’m not even that big of a Kanye fan. Hell, I actually hated him for a while when he was going through his douche-bag stage of ruining acceptance speeches and claiming the president is blatantly racist, but I gotta give him credit for this one. You can always tell when someone puts their heart into something because when you see it or hear it or sense it in any way, you feel exactly what they felt when they were making it.



Most underrated city in teh midwest.


I Am Bored

So I started a blog. I feel so lame right now. I feel like this is one of those things that everyone starts while feeling really enthusiastic about all the shit they’re going to write, and then directly after the first post the feeling is slightly ridiculous.


The Start.

When you’re a kid, everything’s a trip cause it’s all new. Once you get old you forget about how new everything used to feel, but you’re still addicted to it. It comes out in our need to constantly be buying new things, just to get that feeling of seeing something new in front of you. When I was younger I used to think that it would be worthwhile to write down all the stuff my parents did that pissed me off so that when I was grown up and had a family of my own, I could refer back to my notes and make sure that I never did any of those things. I never wrote anything down. I just considered the idea. I regret never doing it. I’m writing this down because the thing about how kids see everything as new just hit me. I didn’t want to let it go to waste. I didn’t want to make the same mistake twice. So now, I’m going to start.

Oh, and I’ll be posting a lot of random bullshit. So yeah.